Dragon Warrior III

Magic Spells

Spell Used By MP Level Description
Antidote dragon warrior iii spells 3 11 Removes poison
Awake dragon warrior iii spells 3 16 Wakes up ally during battle
Bang dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 5 11/13 Small explosion attack
Barrier dragon warrior iii spells 6 32 Protects against fire
Beat dragon warrior iii spells 7 22 Kills enemy instantly, does not always work
BeDragon dragon warrior iii spells 24 34 User becomes a fire breathing dragon
Bikill dragon warrior iii spells 6 21 Raises Attack Power
Blaze dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 2 2/1 Small fireball attack
Blazemore dragon warrior iii spells 6 17 Large fireball attack
Blazemost dragon warrior iii spells 12 36 Huge fireball attack
Boom dragon warrior iii spells 9 23 Big explosion attack
Bounce dragon warrior iii spells 8 24 Reflects spells back unto the chanter
Chance dragon warrior iii spells 20 40 Random, unpredictable effects. See below for all spell effects
Chaos dragon warrior iii spells 5 27 Confuses enemy
Curseoff dragon warrior iii spells 18 30 Removes a curse
Day-Night dragon warrior iii spells 12 25 Changes day into night, and night into day
Defeat dragon warrior iii spells 7 28 Kills enemies instantly, does not always work
Defense dragon warrior iii spells 4 18 Lowers Defense
Expel dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 2 6/2 Sends enemies away, but you earn no Gold or Exp
Explodet dragon warrior iii spells 18 38 Huge explosion attack
Fireball dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 4 10/7 Attack with balls of fire
Firebane dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 6 23/14 More intense than Fireball
Firevolt dragon warrior iii spells 12 29 Scorching flame attack
Heal dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 3 4/1 Restores 20 to 30 HP
Healall dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 7 33/30 Restores all HP
Healmore dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 5 29/14 Restores 40 to 50 HP
Healus dragon warrior iii spells 18 34 Restores up to 50 HP to all allies
Healusall dragon warrior iii spells 38 62 Restores all HP to all allies
Icebolt dragon warrior iii spells 3 5 Attack with bolts of ice
Icespears dragon warrior iii spells 9 32 Attack with spears of ice
Increase dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 4 9/10 Increases Defense
Infermore dragon warrior iii spells 6 26 Large vacuum attack
Infermost dragon warrior iii spells 9 39 Huge vacuum attack
Infernos dragon warrior iii spells 4 12 Vacuum attack
Invisible dragon warrior iii spells 15 33 Makes group invisible to others
Ironize dragon warrior iii spells 6 12 Cannot be harmed in battle, but cannot attack either
Lightning dragon warrior iii spells 30 41 Huge lightning attack
Limbo dragon warrior iii spells 7 20 Sends one enemy away with no Gold or EXP gained
Numboff dragon warrior iii spells 6 15 Removes numbness
Open dragon warrior iii spells 0 35 Open doors without needing a key
Outside dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 8 14/9 Transport group outside of a cave or tower
Repel dragon warrior iii spells 4 19 Keeps weaker monsters at bay while you travel
Return dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 8 12/7 Return to most castles or towns you have already been to
Revive dragon warrior iii spells 20 38 Revives a dead party member
Robmagic dragon warrior iii spells 0 15 Steals MP from enemies
Sacrifice dragon warrior iii spells 1 41 Defeats all enemies, but the caster of the spell also dies
Sap dragon warrior iii spells 3 8 Lowers Defense
Sleep dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 3 16/9 Puts enemies to sleep
Slow dragon warrior iii spells 3 12 Lowers Agility
Snowblast dragon warrior iii spells 6 20 Snow blast attack
Snowstorm dragon warrior iii spells 12 26 Severe snowstorm attack
Speedup dragon warrior iii spells 3 5 Raises Agility
Stepguard dragon warrior iii spells 12 19 Prevents damage from barriers and swamps
Stopspell dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 3 18/13 Blocks enemy spells
Surround dragon warrior iii spells 4 7 Surrounds enemies with fog lowering their attack
Transform dragon warrior iii spells 12 31 Takes form of an ally
Upper dragon warrior iii spells 3 4 Increases Defense
Vivify dragon warrior iii spells/dragon warrior iii spells 10 35/24 Revives ally, 50% chance of working
X-Ray dragon warrior iii spells 3 18 Examine contents of Treasure Chests. Glows red for enemies
Zap dragon warrior iii spells 8 26 Lightning Bolt attack

Chance Spell Effects

1 - Chaos as the spell on all enemies and all allies.

2 - Area engulfed in a fierce darkness. No spells work in that battle.

3 - Enemies are taken off guard, they do not attack in that round.

4 - Party gains additional attack power, every attack is "tremendous blow".

5 - Heals one character as the Heal spell.

6 - Enemies leave the battle, leave behind Gold, but no EXP.

7 - Heals all party members as the Healus spell.

8 - Party changes formation.

9 - Steals MP from all enemies.

10 - Enemies shatter into pieces, instant death.

11 - Chance.. chance.. chance... the chanters voice echoes throughout the area.

12 - Calls forth something frightening. Allies faint, monsters leave. No EXP or Gold gained.

13 - Time ceases, the chanter gets two free attacks, then enemies and chanter alone 1 round.

14 - Sleep as the spell on all enemies and all allies.

15 - Defeat as the spell cast on party.

 Dragon Warrior Series
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Dragon Warrior is a of Square-Enix Co. Ltd. All images, music, logo's, etc are Square-Enix.