Once you defeat Marilith, you will gain access to the Hellfire Chasm. It is located on the long center isle of the Dragon
Islands. And like the other bonus areas, the maps, and treasures are completely random. Be warned, a lot of the Hellfire
Chasm has damage floors, and encounter floors.

This entire area is full of damage floor. The catch is, unlike the lava floors where you stop getting damage when you stop
moving, this section causes damage all the time! It is best to hurry through the area, as quickly as possible. You will have
to manage around bats that love to get in the way, and enemy encounters are a frequent stopper. Do your best, and heal if
you need it.

In the rooms above and to the left, you will see patches of glittering floor. These are encounter areas. Whenever you take
a single step on these sections, you will go into a battle. This can be a pain in the rear, if you are trying to just get
through it fast.
In the room above, the people walking around, do so in a certain line. Unlike other NPC's, you cannot push past them. Their
path is a set one, and they will not deviate from it. If they are facing you in the way, you will need to step back, until
they turn and go the direction you want to go. This can create problems, if they are near the damage points. It is a lot rougher
to try to get in their path, than it looks.
On the fifth floor of the Chasm, you will encounter the first two of the four bosses. This will always be the fifth floor,
despite the other rooms being random. The new difference from the Earthgift Shrine, is that after you choose a boss and fight,
you can continue through the Chasm to the next set of bosses.

Cagnazzo can hit your party with a devastating attack called Tsunami. This is the same attack that
Chaos uses on you in the final battle. There is no real protection from it as well. This is one of those reason's you should
go through the Whisperwind Cove, and fight Orthros a couple of times for a Rune Staff. Boost your fighters with Haste, and
Giant's Glove's, while having your two mages focus on healing. If you feel lucky (And healthy) you can have your Black/Red
Mage hit this water titan with Thundaga. Though you will get hell-of-a-lot more damage from your boosted fighters. After mopping
the floor with Cagnazzo, you will get a Light Curtain. |
The first fight with Scarmilglione is very easy. He has no real nasty attacks, and only 4000 HP.
Just boost the fighters, and have your mages use the Rune Staff's for healing. But this is not the end of him, when you defeat
him... |
When you defeat the living Scarmiglione, he will attack you in his true form. This time around,
you will get hit often with his Poison attack, which is the same attack that the Green Dragon's use. This is a very devistating
attack, that can leave you in a world of hurt. Double boost your strongest fighter with Giant's Gloves, and set Haste on him.
In the mean time, have the other three use Rune Staff's to keep the health in top range. This time around, you have a weakness
to Fire and Dia that you can exploit, if things are going your way. When you send him to the grave for the second time, you
will get a Lunar Curtain. |

There are three "World Maps" so to speak, in the Hellfire Chasm. On all three maps, you will have the use of your canoe,
as well as a ship, and Airship. The Airship must be found, via talking to a man you encounter, then going to a lone palm tree
in the map. The airship is only needed to get out on the map in the top right. You can reach the exit on the other maps without
it. There are random encounters in both the land and the rivers. But it is not too difficult.
On the floors below, there is the lava floors found in Mt. Gulug. They will damage you for 1 point every step. But if you
stand still, you will receive no damage. There is also no enemy encounters while on the damage floors, but that does not mean
the game does not make up for that once you hit solid ground!

Once you passed all the rooms, you will come to the final floor, with the last two bosses. These two are more powerful than
the other two were. Make sure you heal up, and get your magic back on top for these fights. When you are ready, head into
the room of your choice. Barbariccia is found in the right room, and Rubicante is on the left.

With powered up fighters, you should have no real problem taking this wind-bag down. She has a fairly
weak physical defense. Use this to your advantage. Set your fighters with the usual formula of Giant's Gloves and Haste,
and have the mages concentrate on healing. Barbariccia has a devastating Cyclone attack, that can wipe out a lot of HP
from the entire party. As long as you keep yourselves healed, there is little to worry about. For defeating the lady of
wind, you will get the Braveheart for your Knights. Interestingly enough, it has a higher ACC than Excalibur, but does less
damage overall. |
You would think that being the fire fiend, Rubicante would be weak to Ice. Not this time folks!
But this does not mean he won't cast high level fire spells at you! Immediately set up NulBlaze, to lessen the damage of his
attacks, and get your fighters boosted. Once you have NulBlaze set, get your mages right into healing. Rubicante often uses
his ultimate Scorch attack. I cannot remember if the NulBlaze hindered this attack a bit, but it was still a heavy hitter
with it. Heal after this attack, and keep plowing away. After you put his fire out, you will get the Kiku-Ichimonji for your
Ninja class. |