Final Fantasy VIII

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Name Requirements Dropped From Stolen From Card Mod
final fantasy viii weapon
Name: Pinwheel
Cost: 100
Attk: 11
Hit%: 99
M-Stone Piece x3 Bite Bug, Funguar, Buel, Jelleye, Glacial Eye, Creeps, belhelmel, Blobra, T-Rexaur, Bomb, Vysage, Lefty, Righty, Elastoid, Gesper, Blitz, Death Claw, Abyss Worm, Gayla, Armadodo(LV 1-19) Bite Bug, Blobra, Buel Bite Bug 1/1
Funguar 1/1

Name Requirements Dropped From Stolen From Card Mod
final fantasy viii weapon valkyrie
Name: Valkyrie
Cost: 200
Attk: 14
Hit%: 101
Shear Feather x1 Thrustaevis, Death Claw Thrustaevis, Death Claw Thrustaevis 1/1
Magic Stone x1 Bite Bug, Buel, Funguar,
Jelleye, Glacial Eye, Creeps,
Belhelmel, Blobra, Geezard,
Abyss Worm, Ochu (1-29)
Grat, Buel, Jelleye Grat 1/1
Buel 1/1
Jelleye 1/1

Name Requirements Dropped From Stolen From Card Mod
final fantasy viii weapon Rising Sun
Name: Rising Sun
Cost: 400
Attk: 18
Hit%: 103
Saw Blade x1 Belhelmel Belhelmel Belhelmel 1/1
Screw x8 Geezard, GIM47N (Rare) Geezard Geezard 1/5

Name Requirements Dropped From Stolen From Card Mod
final fantasy viii weapon Cardinal
Name: Cardinal
Cost: 800
Attk: 24
Hit%: 104
Cockatrice Pinion x1 Cockatrice Cockatrice Cockatrice 1/1
Iguion 1/1
Mesmerize Blade x1 Mesmerize Mesmerize Mesmerize 1/1
Sharp Spike x1 Grand Mantis, Death Claw Grand Mantis Grand Mantis 1/1

Name Requirements Dropped From Stolen From Card Mod
final fantasy viii weapon Shooting Star
Name: Shooting Star
Cost: 1000
Attk: 28
Hit%: 107
Windmill x2 Thrustaevis, Abyss Worm,
Death Claw (Rare),
GIM47N (Rare)
Thrustaevis, Abyss Worm Abyss Worm 1/1
Regen Ring x1 Torama (LV 30-100) Chimera (LV 30-100 Rare) Turtapod (LV 30-100 Rare) Mesmerize (LV 30-100 Rare) Lefty (LV 30-100 Rare) Torama, Biggs (2ND Fight) Chimera 10/1
Force Armlet x1 Ochu (LV 30-100 Rare) Forbidden (LV 30-100 Rare) Edea (2ND Fight) - -
Energy Crystal x2 Elnoyle, Behemoth (Rare) - Elnoyle 10/1

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