Final Fantasy VIII

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Name Requirements Dropped From Stolen From Card Mod
final fantasy viii weapon Flail
Cost: 100
Attk: 12
Hit%: 98
M-Stone Piece x2 Bite Bug, Funguar, Buel, Jelleye, Glacial Eye, Creeps, Belhelmel, Blobra, T-Rexaur, Bomb, Vysage, Lefty, Righty, Elastoid, Gesper, Blitz, Death Claw, Abyss Worm, Gayla, Armadodo(LV 1-19) Bite Bug, Blobra, Buel Bite Bug 1/1
Funguar 1/1
Bomb Fragment x1 Bomb Bomb Bomb 1/1

Name Requirements Dropped From Stolen From Card Mod
final fantasy viii weapon Morning Star
Morning Star
Cost: 200
Attk: 15
Hit%: 99
Steel Orb x2 Wendingo, GIM47N (LV 1-29 Rare) Wendingo Wendingo 1/1
Sharp Spike x2 Grand Mantis, Death Claw Grand Mantis Grand Mantis 1/1

Name Requirements Dropped From Stolen From Card Mod
final fantasy viii weapon Crescent Wish
Crescent Wish
Cost: 400
Attk: 20
Hit%: 100
Inferno Fang Ruby Dragon (LV 1-44) Ruby Dragon Ruby Dragon 10/1
Life Ring Turtapod, Torama (LV 1-19)
- Turtapod 5/1
Sharp Spike x2 Grand Mantis, Death Claw Grand Mantis Grand Mantis 1/1

Name Requirements Dropped From Stolen From Card Mod
final fantasy viii weapon Strange Vision
Strange Vision
Cost: 800
Attk: 25
Hit%: 255
Adamantine x1 Adamantoise (LV 30-100) BGH251F2 (FH) Minotaur 1/10
Star Fragment x3 Iron Giant, T-Rexaur (Rare), Tri-Face (LV 30-100 Rare), Chimera (LV 30-100 Rare),
Hexadragon (LV 30-100)
Iron Giant Iron Giant 3/1
Curse Spike x2 Creeps (LV 1-29), Imp, Malboro, Forbidden, Grand Mantis (LV 1-29 Rare), Tri-Face Tri-Face Tri-Face 1/1

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