Final Fantasy VIII

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Quistis's Limit Break:
Blue Magic

In Final Fantasy VIII, there is a slightly different way for you to get Blue Magic. In the previous titles, you needed to be hit with the spell, in order to learn it. Now you will need certain items to learn the spells. You can get the items a number of different ways. They are dropped/stolen from enemies, refined from cards, or in the case of Dark Matter, a refine ability is needed. Below is a list of the spells, and the items you need to learn the magic.

Spell Item Drop/Steal from Card Mod Refine
Ultra Wave Spider Web Caterchipillar Caterchipillar 1/1 -
Electrocute Coral Fragment Cockatrice
Creeps 1/1 -
LV? Death Curse Spike Forbidden
Tri-Face 1/1 -
Degenerator Black Hole Gesper
Dialos 1/100
Gesper 1/1
Aqua Breath Water Crystal Chimera
Fastitocalon Fin
Grand Mantis
Fastitocalon 1/1
Fastitocalon Fin 5/1
Micro Missile Missile Death Claw
- -
Acid Mystery Fluid Gayla Gayla 1/1 -
Gatling Gun Running Fire BGH251F2
Iron Giant
SAM08G 1/1 -
Fire breath Inferno Fang Hexadragon
Ruby Dragon
Ruby Dragon 10/1 -
Bad Breath Malboro Tentacle Malboro Malboro 4/1 -
White Wind Whisper Adamantoise - -
Homing laser Laser Cannon Belhelmel
Mobile Type 8
- -
Mighty Guard Barrier Behemoth Behemoth 10/1 -
Ray Bomb Power Generator Blitz - -
Shockwave Pulsar - - - Curse Spike 100/1*
Siren must be at level 100 to refine 100 Cursed Spikes into 1 Dark Matter

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