Final Fantasy VIII

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Selphie's Limit Break: Slot
When you select Selphie's Slot, a menu of spells will appear at the bottom of the screen. In the menu you will find regular spells, and spells with numbers by them. The numbers indicate the amount of times the spell will be cast. There is also an option to "Do Over", which replaces the current spell with a new one. If you are looking for one of Selphie's Limit spells, this is the option to choose. Do not worry about hitting enemies with restorative magic, or allies with offensive magic. Even if Selphie becomes confused, this will not happen.
The hardest spell to get is "The End". It requires Selphie to be in the highest levels, and the most critical HP. It is by far the best attack in the game. I was able to use it one time against Omega, and it even killed him.

Full-Cure Completely restores party's HP
Wall Casts Protect and Shell on the entire party
Rapture Wings attach to the enemy, and they are flown out of battle. (Doesn't work on bosses)
The End The enemy is relocated to a field of flowers, and laid to rest. (Works on all enemy and bosses, but for undead.)

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