Final Fantasy VIII

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final fantasy kingdom, final fantasy viii seifer status
Seifer's Limit Break:
Fire Cross

Seifer blasts his opponent with a major fire attack. When it strikes his foe, he follows with a blast from his Gunblade.

final fantasy kingdom, final fantasy viii edea status
Edea's Limit Break:
Ice Strike

Calling on her powerful sorceress magic, Edea creates a giant icicle. She then hurls it into her opponents for heavy damage. (This is not an elemental attack, despite being ice in nature.)

final fantasy kingdom, final fantasy viii laguna status
Laguna's Limit Break:

Laguna tosses a live grenade into a group of enemies. He then grabs a rope, and unloads a barrage of bullets into the pack. The grenade then blows everything sky high, for incredible damage.

final fantasy kingdom, final fantasy viii kiros status
Kiros's Limit Break:
Blood Pain

Kiros strikes hard and fast with his Katal knives. He rushes about the screen tearing up his foe, causing incredible damage to them.

final fantasy kingdom, final fantasy viii ward status
Ward's Limit Break:
Heavy Anchor

Ward lunges his heavy anchor high in the air. He then jumps on top of it, and rides it back to the ground. The resulting shock wave devastates all enemies on the screen.

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