FFII Pixel Remaster

Pixel Remaster

Final Fantasy II Transportation

There is quite a wide selection of vehicles for traversing Final Fantasy II. Here is a list of your choices.

final fantasy ii nes chocobo
Chocobo's make their series debut in Final Fantasy II. They are able to go anywhere the party can go, but without random enemy encounters.

final fantasy ii nes canoe
With the canoe, you can travel across lakes and rivers.

final fantasy ii nes ship
The ship can take you across the vast oceans. It can dock at harbors, and with the canoe, can dock at river outlets.

final fantasy ii nes sled
The snowcraft is used to cross the snowy plains of the northern areas.

final fantasy ii nes airship
With this vessel, there is nowhere you cannot go. However, you can only land in the grassy plains.

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