| Description
| Capacity
| Used by
| Can be used once to restore a small amount of HP.
| 5
| Can be used once to restore a large amount of HP.
| 4
| Can be used once to completely restore your HP.
| 3
| Can be used once to restore a large portion of the Focus Gauge.
| 4
| Can be used once to completely restore the Focus Gauge.
| 3
| Can be used once to eliminate all negative status effects.
| 3
| Can be used once to completely restore your HP and the Focus Gauge. Also eliminates all negative status effects.
| 2
Last Elixir
| Can be used once to completely restore HP, as well as the Focus and D-Link Gauges. Also eliminates all negative status effects.
| 2
Balloon Letter
| Can be used once to completely restore the D-Link Gauge.
| 3
Ice Cream Cones
Bueno Volcano
| Can be eaten once to activate the Firestorm Command Style.
| 3
Snow Bear
| Can be eaten once to activate the Diamond Dust Command Style.
| 3
Spark Lemon
| Can be eaten once to activate the Thunderbolt Command Style.
| 3
Vanilla Glitz
| Can be eaten once to activate the Critical Impact Command Style.
| 3
| Can be eaten once to activate the Bladecharge Command Style.
| 3
Rockin' Crunch
| Can be eaten once to activate the Rockbreaker Command Style.
| 3
Big Bad Pete
| Can be eaten once to activate the Dark Impulse Command Style.
| 3
| Can be eaten once to activate the Fever Pitch Command Style.
| 3
Goofy Parfait
| Can be eaten once to activate the Cyclone Command Style.
| 3
Milky Way
| Can be eaten once to activate the Sky Climber Command Style.
| 3
Double Crunch
| Can be eaten once to activate the Wingblade Command Style.
| 3
| Can be eaten once to activate the Spellweaver Command Style.
| 3
Donald Fizz
| Can be eaten once to activate the Ghost Drive Command Style.
| 3