Pooh's Hunny Hunt
When you find the first torn page, return to the 100 Acre Wood. You will see a tree near the compass, at the top of the page. When you enter the area, you'll see Piglet here, but he'll get scared of you and run away. Now you
have to play catch with him. If you see Piglet run in one direction, you should wander around in the other direction. You just have to sneak up from behind and talk to him, when the hit command becomes talk. When this is done, Pooh Bear will join you. Speak to Pooh and agree to help him get some Hunny in the tree. Owl will then appear, and give you some pointers on your first mini-game, "Pooh's
Hunny Hunt".
The objective of this mini-game is swat the bees away from Pooh, so that he'll be able to reach the top of the tree and get as much Hunny as he can. Follow him up the tree and attack the swarms of bees that emerge. Don't move the left analog stick when attacking, or you will fall off your branch. If you do fall, you can use the "Rush" command to immediately to catch up with him. If you use the Rush command, you will lose 5 points off your total. Better to try and reamin in the tree at all times.
When the game is over, you will return to the world map. The torn page will turn into the Naturespark summon gem. Give it to the Fairy Godmother, and she will turn it into the Bambi summon. If this is your final summon, you will also get Donald's Lord Fortune weapon. Pooh's Hunny Hunt will also become a mini-game you can play at anytime. Jiminy will record your scores inside his Journal.