Pooh's Muddy Path This is the final area. When you arrive, you'll see Pooh looking for all
his friends, claiming that some "bad people" took them. So now you'll have
to help Pooh find his friends. Simply lock on to Pooh with R1 and lead him
to where his friends are.
Examine the bushes to your right to find him. (When you find each character, they will also return here.) |
He's bouncing on the branch of a tree to your left. Jump up and hit the branch to make Roo fall down. Talk to him and he'll return to the bushes with Eeyore. |
In the alcove, you will find three holes by the well blowing air. Rabbit will be hiding in one of these holes. Once he comes out, speak to him to get him back with everyone. |
Use the blowing well, and blow yourself up the log. Talk to Tigger and he will return. |
Lead Pooh towards the blue flowers to the left of the well. The flowers will bring him to the second level. Lead him across the log and to
the flowers up there. Talk to Owl and he'll go back. |
A the very top, there is a tree with a hollow in it. Here you will find Piglet. Now find and lead Pooh to the tree, and talk to Piglet. He will begin to make his way down, but will get scared again. He will run into one of the holes Rabbit was in. Take Pooh down and lead him to where Piglet is. Speak to Piglet and he will finally join the others. |
This is the final section of the 100 Acre Wood. After some long cutscenes the book will close. Sora will then lock the keyhole. Congratulations, you have finished another world! Remember you canr return and play any one of the games whenever you like.
*Note*You must complete 100 Acre Wood and seal the keyhole to gain access to the secret trailer at the end of the credits.