Rabbit's House
When you find the next torn page, you will find Rabbit's house in the top left corner of the book. Examine the mail box, and you will get a friendly note from everyone's favorite bear. You can also head into the garden and pull cabbages and pumkins for items. Now head around to the back of the house for a short dialogue with Piglet and Pooh. It seems Pooh has been calling on Rabbit, but the only one answering is the house. Now go into the house. Speak with Rabbit, and when Pooh asks for Hunny examine the pot on the ceiling to
find some. Now try and leave the area. When you do, Piglet will come running. So go back into the house, and see what is going on.
You'll notice that Pooh has managed to get stuck in Rabbit's doorway. Leave the the house and go around the back and talk to Pooh. Tigger will suddenly come bouncing accross Rabbit's carrot patch. Upon Tigger's arrival, Owl will show up and explain the rules to this new mini-game...Block Tigger. Since you need carrot juice to make Pooh thinner, you will have to prevent Tigger from destroying the patch.
Your goal of this mini-game is to prevent Tigger from bouncing on a carrots. If he manages to bounce on a Carrot two times, it will get burried. If this happens, the Carrot is gone for good. Stand on the carrot Tigger is about to bounce, to block him from hitting it. If you are facing a carrot Tigger is about to bounce, a Rush command might appear. Hit this command
to speed over and block Tigger. This command is key to victory in this mini-game, as it allows you to cover greater distances in the garden. You only need to save one carrot in this round. The way to determine the score of this mini-game is pretty hard if you do not know the formula. To get your score for Block Tigger you need to calculate Total # of carrots saved X # of times Tigger is blocked. Once the game has ended, head back into Rabbit's house and push Pooh out of the hole. Your work at Rabbit's house i done. You can return any time to play the Tigger Block mini-game, and Jiminy will keep track of the score in his Journal.
Go back to the world map and the torn page will turn into a Mythril Shard.