Chrono Kingdom |
Epoch This is the main mode of transportation found in Chrono Trigger. With the Epoch, you can travel to any point in the time stream. It is quick as lightning, and quite capable of taking you where you need to be. |
Dactyl Dactyls are gained in 65,000,000 BC, on your second visit. Once you have it, you can travel anywhere in that time period. Quite a useful little critter, until you get the upgraded Epoch. |
Jet Bike This is really not a mode of transportation, save only for the first time you use it. But it is worth mentioning. The Jet Bike is found in 2300 AD, when you have to race Johnny Rocket to get across the laboratories. After the first time you win, you can then return to challenge him whenever you like (See Mini-Games for more details) |