Dragon Age Kingdom |
-----------DLC Origins-----------
------------DLC DA II------------
Stone Prisoner Weapons
| Dmg
| Crit%
| Arm.Pen.
| Str Mod
| Enhancements
| Notes
Dead Thaig Shanker
| 6.00
| 4.50%
| 7.00
| 0.85
| +5 cunning +0.5 armor penetration +6 attack Interrupts spellcasting
| -
Olaf's Cheese Knife
| 5.60
| 4.20%
| 6.40
| 0.85
| +1 armor penetration
| -
Wilhelm's Magus Staff
| 3.30 (Physical)
| -
| 23.00
| -
| +3 willpower +25% fire resistance +10% fire damage +10% electricity damage
| -
Stone Prisoner Armor
| Armor
| Fatigue
| Runes
| Enhancements
| Notes
Cadash Stompers
| 2.66
| 1.69%
| 0
| +2 dexterity +2 armor +2% ranged critical chance +2% melee critical chance Increases hostility
| -
Helm of Honnleath
| 1.50
| 2.36%
| 0
| +2 to all attributes +3 armor
| -
Stone Prisoner Accessories
| Enhancements
| Notes
Blood-Gorged Amulet
| +12 constitution -3 strength -3 willpower
| -
Cord of Shattered Dreams
| +3 willpower +10 mental resistance
| Restriction: Mage
Harvest Festival Ring
| +2 strength +2 dexterity +4 attack
| Restriction: Warrior or Rogue